
We were the first law firm in New Zealand to accept bitcoin as a payment option for legal services.
We also help digital asset holders navigate legal issues.


Why Bitcoin?

Many lawyers are not yet well versed in the complexities of digital assets and that is why we have decided to provide specialist services in this area. We provide digital asset owners and their professional advisors with legal services in this niche area. We also set out to educate New Zealand lawyers and other professionals about digital assets and how best to provide legal services to digital asset owners.

Bitcoin is better money. 2020 and early-2021 saw Bitcoin legitimised in several ways. It became an institutional-grade asset with nation states, public companies, and financial institutions allocating capital to bitcoin. El Salvador announcing bitcoin as legal tender, MicroStrategy, Tesla, and Square Inc holding bitcoin on their balance sheets are the more notable examples. But what do multi-national billion-dollar corporations have in common with small town law firms in New Zealand? As desire to be part of a better monetary system.

Bitcoin has, in the past, had a stigma attached to it. We believe that stigma was never warranted. We want to encourage Bitcoiners to open dialogue with their lawyers and not be afraid to seek advice regarding the asset.

To learn more about Bitcoin, we recommend

Download the Bitcoin White Paper

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